Course Information

About this Course

External Links


About This Course:
This course discusses several aspects of De-Escalation Skills. The areas that will be covered in this course are:

~What is Behavior?
~The ABC’s of Behavior
~4 Functions of Challenging Behavior
~Sensory Stimulation
~Sensory Stimulation Treatment
~Escape Treatment
~Attention Seeking 
~Attention Seeking Treatment 
~Personal Gain
~Personal Gain Treatment
~Why Persons with Intellectual Disabilities are Prone to Anger Control Problems
~Medical and Psychiatric Causes of Behavior Problems
~Environmental Causes of Behavior Problems
~De-Escalation techniques                           
~Signs of Escalation 
~Be Prepared
~Body Language
~After a Blow Up
~De-Escalation Skills

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After completing this course, learners will successfully be able to:

1. Discuss factors that may cause challenging behaviors.
2. Explain four functions of behavior.
3. List at least five effective communication skills and de-escalation techniques to prevent a behavioral crisis.

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External Links:

There are several informative websites that you might find to be useful resources on "De-Escalation Skills". These links can be found by clicking on the "External Links" button located on the left side button bar.

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