Course Information

About this Course

External Links


About This Course:
This course discusses several aspects of MRSA. The areas that will be covered in this course are:

~What is MRSA?
~What is Staphylococcus?
~Where is Staphylococcus Aureus Normally Found?
~What Does Methicillin - Resistant Mean?
~Who Gets MRSA?
~What is Community Acquired MRSA? 
~How is MRSA Spread?
~What Does Staph or MRSA Infection Look Like?
~How Can I Protect Myself?
~Where are the 5 C’s Commonly Found?
~What Else Can I do?
~What Should I do if I Think I have a Staph or MRSA Infection?
~Are Staph and MRSA Infections Treatable?
~What Should I know about Antibiotics?
~What if I have a Staph or MRSA Infection?
~Do Not Share Personal Items 
~What if Someone I know has a Staph or MRSA Infection?


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After completing this course, learners will successfully be able to:

1. define MRSA.
2. protect themselves and other from infection.
3. prevent the spread of MRSA.

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External Links:

There are several informative websites that you might find to be useful resources on MRSA. These links can be found by clicking on the "External Links" button located on the left side button bar.